![]() Einstein:
Science and Religion
ChildhoodBecoming a Freethinker and a Scientist Religious ConceptsOn Ego, Consciousness, and “Eternal Life” Science and ReligionReligion and Science: Irreconcilable? A Conversation with Gustav Bucky MoralsBeliefsShort Comments on Einstein's Faith Spinoza and Einstein Miscellaneous |
Spinoza and EinsteinFor more on Einstein and Spinoza see this page.Einstein's Poem About SpinozaFrom Jammer, p. 43; the complete poem is available in German in the Appendix of the book. How much do I love that noble man Why Einstein Admires SpinozaFrom a letter to Dr. Dagobert Runes, Sept. 8, 1932, Einstein Archive, reel 33-286, quoted in Jammer, pp. 44 - 45 When asked to write short essay on "the ethical significance of Spinoza's philosophy," Einstein replied:
The God of Einstein and SpinozaFrom a letter to Eduard Büsching, Oct. 25, 1929, Einstein Archive, reel 33-275, quoted in Jammer, p. 51: When its author sent a book There Is No God to Einstein, Einstein replied that the book did not deal with the notion of God, but only with that of a personal God. He suggested that the book should be titled There Is No Personal God. He added further:
Einstein's View of God — and Spinoza'sFrom a letter to Murray W. Gross, Apr. 26, 1947, Einstein Archive, reel 33-324, Jammer, p. 138 - 139: When question about God and religion on behalf of an aged Talmudic scholar, Einstein replied:
On Loving Your EnemiesFrom a letter to Michele Besso, Jan. 6, 1948. Albert Einstein—Michele Besso, Correspondance 1903-1955 (Hermann, Paris, 1972) , p. 392. Einstein Archive, reel 7-382, quoted in Jammer, p.87. Jammer gives the quotation in its original German along with an English translation. I have taken the liberty of cleaning up the English, mainly by replacing "cogitative" with "cognitive" as the translation of "gedanklich."Upon a friend commending the Christian maxim "Love they enemy" Einstein replied:
Edited by Arnold V. Lesikar,
Professor Emeritus
Dept. of Physics, Astronomy, and Engineering Science,
St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN 56301-4498
Feedback to: lesikar@stcloudstate.edu